Sep 18Liked by Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

Hey Kailey! I'm curious how you met Tamar and what your writing partnership looks like? I think I could use a companion on the journey who can hold me accountable, etc so I'm looking for inspo!

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Hey! So actually Chelsea Bieker had referred Tamar to Write or Die because at the time we were forming a novel writing group! Tamar joined and then asked me if I would be interested in being accountability partners. At the time, it was NaNoWriMo and we were both writing 1000 words a day of the first draft of our novels. Soon the texting turned to longer conversations and after Novel month ended, we just kept talking and making goals together. Now, we use the Marco Polo app (video messages) and check in pretty much every day when we are in the middle of writing, revising or lately, querying. We text and zoom call too. (last year, I flew to LA to meet her which was amazing!) I'm happy to answer any more questions you have! I never knew how much an accountability partner can change the game. We both credit each other to how we got our novels finished!

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Sep 17Liked by Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

When I first moved to LA right out of college, a dear friend from high school countered my anxieties about not knowing anyone/anything/anywhere out West with a similar notion. Why be worried about what could happen, she reasoned, when so much possibility existed? Instead of being worried about the future, why not be excited for it? It's something my poor little anxious brain doesn't always remember, but I appreciate the reminder today.

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I love this! Its hard to always consider the positive of a situation but always feels much better when we do haha and constant reminders are necessary 😆

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Sep 16Liked by Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

I’m querying my first big round of agents right now, and your perspective on the process is so helpful! All the possibilities are out there, what a great frame of mind. Thank you for sharing 😊

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Congrats, Emi!! Thats a big step! Wishing you all the good luck!

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Thank you, Kailey! Same to you! Can’t wait to read your novel once it’s out in the world!

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Sep 16Liked by Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

Hi Kailey,

I agree with you about mindset. You worked hard, you created that compelling novel, and you researched, developed and tended your list of agents as well. I actually hold smooth rocks in my palms when envisioning stuff I'm creating. It's so surprising but also rewarding to see the results become reality.

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I love this! I'll try it :)

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It's Monday! Thank you for this!

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Sep 17Liked by Kailey Brennan DelloRusso

This shift could be used for more things than querying a book! Thanks for sharing!

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Agreed! 💕

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