✍️ Hi I’m Kailey! I’m currently working on a revision of my novel for my agent. I’m moving chapter by chapter and reworking a number of scenes. I’m aiming to send it to her by the end of the month. Fingers crossed!

🦋 here at In the Weeds, I’ve been sharing about my novel writing process as I navigate the journey through multiple drafts, querying and getting an agent. I also share about my time working in the service industry and how I’ve used this job to support my writing life.


💎 today I’m celebrating that after six or seven drafts, I FINALLY understand one of my minor characters in a way that is making it easier for me to edit their scenes in my novel. He is coming alive in a way that is exciting me!

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I love the process of understanding characters more! It’s amazing how they come to life off the page.

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I know! or how many drafts it can take to really SEE them. This process is wild :)

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Thank you! Its such a great feeling

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I’m Amanda & I’m currently writing a feminist dystopian novel. My small win is handing my book off to beta readers and beginning to see their comments — and realizing that people can see the vision that I have with my idea! I write about the process & the power of storytelling over on STORIES NEVER DIE 🫶🏻 https://open.substack.com/pub/storiesneverdie

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I love this, Amanda! What an amazing achievement <3

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Woohoo! That's super exciting news! I love the name of your Substack, by the way. Just subscribed and can't wait to dig in!

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Ooh thank you so much!! Came from a nonfiction book I dabbled in writing for a bit — my now mantra! 😊

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Love it!

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Brava, Amanda. Subscribed!

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Hi, I'm Lacy. I currently have a revision of my literary novel out to my (unofficial) agent, who has been working with me on it for a few years. While I wait, I've been revising another novel I drafted last year, during another long waiting period with that agent. The going is actually slow and painful at the moment, but I'm celebrating the fact that I'm still working (and not merely waiting). I'm grateful for this tiny wins thread! It's helping me to reframe a little in my current slog :-)

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two novels under you belt— holy crap <3 amazing, Lacy. Keep going!

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Keep writing! It will all come together :)

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Lacy -- we are in SUCH similar positions!! I left a comment detailing my writing win and it's quite similar to yours. My first novel, literary fiction, did not sell. Now I'm working on my second novel and going through the motions of realizing the market isn't right for my first right NOW, but that doesn't mean it never will be. Literary fiction is important -- our time will come!

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Hi Kolina! Thanks for your words of encouragement. Even though it's been a long few years, it's been incredible to have an agent I admire read my work and give me feedback. That in itself is a huge win for me. Of course, I'd still love to see my first book published...but you're right--maybe it'll take my second book out in the world to help garner the interest/possibility for the first! Good luck with your second novel! Here's to our time coming :-)

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Yes! We got this! 💪🏽💪🏽✨

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Hey I'm Daniela. I wrote a literary fiction novel about a young woman who leaves her fundamentalist church—which is somewhat autobiographical. Started querying back in June. A few agents who read the manuscript complimented the writing, characters, and dialogue, but felt there were pacing/momentum issues and they were right. Two of them said they'd re-read if I revised. Another wanted to pass, but said she'd gladly read other manuscripts from me. Finished a rewrite and sent off last Monday. Waiting to hear back from the four agents who have it now.

The querying hit me so much harder than I expected. Those wins were amazing but the emotional toll of all the rejections and the waiting was brutal. Actually started drinking and smoking again. Back to sobriety now and feeling much more hopeful. I should have listened to everyone who said to immediately start a new project.

This time, while I wait, I'm reworking the plot of my first novel, which is an upmarket speculative fiction novel about class warfare and private prisons. Sounds heavy, but it's fun and fast paced: an ancient code, embezzlement, galas, catacombs, gritty ensemble, penis jokes. Keeping the good stuff and reworking the plot because now I know what needs to happen. Today I stumbled on a great twist and am a little giddy about it. Been devouring craft books like crazy and highly recommend Steve Almond's Truth Is the Arrow, Mercy Is the Bow. Actually discovered him through the work shop y'all did, which was fantastic.

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Wishing you luck with those agents! Querying is a grueling process for sure, which no one really understand until go through it, right? lol I'm so glad you are working on another project to distract you. An amazing win indeed <3 ps. Steve Almond is the best! I need that book!

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When I said "workshops y'all did" I was generally aiming in the the direction of Write or Die, Forever Workshop, Pitch something I can't remember, and whichever other newsletters you're the editor for. I can't remember which one had Steve Almond on to talk about his book, I think it was Forever Workshop formerly called something else?

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Steve did a craft chat for Write or Die magazine. Im the editor of that :)

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I LOVE Steve Almond! But I somehow haven't heard of the book you suggest here. I'll pick it up! Good luck. Sounds like you've got some great momentum. Rejection never ceases to cut.

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Keep going Daniela! Querying is the worst (it took me 9 months to get my offer) but it sounds like you really have something, and the right agent will want it. Don’t give up! And congrats on the sobriety!

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Thank you, Kolina!

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It sounds like you are rightly so embracing those wins with perseverance!

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Good on you Daniela, onwards and upwards.

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Hi! I am Jenn!

I am writing my gothic romance novel along with some short stories of eldritch horror to put in an anthology! I am currently working on a short Christmas horror (think Dickens) with Scottish folklore!

My substack is relatively new and I usually have been so busy writing I've only posted my stories, but I use it as an outlet to publish these ideas: https://jenniferkause.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile

I am celebrating a small win of a compliment of my stories and writing style. My sister compared my writing to the Bible (which is interesting since I write about religion and its pressure on society LOL) but in the fact that you read a verse and it takes reflection and time to realize how beautiful the message is.

I have been struggling with my family reading my writing or that feeling of vulnerability in sharing my work in general, so it was a lovely compliment from my twin who reads all the things I send her :)

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I'm so glad you brought up vulnerability, Jen. This is such a great victory. Nothing like a sister, right? :)

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Hi Jenn, religion and its pressure on the Bible sounds very interesting. What book of the Bible do you think she meant?

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Hi! This is such a good idea. My name is Izzy, and I'm currently working on my second novel attempt ever. I'm figuring out my writing style and schedule. I don't really know what I'm doing at all, but yesterday I wrote for an hour straight!

I guess I'm in the process of writing to enjoy writing & to learn more about myself. One day, I'd really like to be a published author, but for now I'm learning how to slow down.

I do have a Substack! https://thesundayreads.substack.com/ - I talk a lot about books, my writing experience, and how they can relate to life.

Thank you for this Kailey!

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Izzy, I LOVE your outlook! I always need the reminder to slow down so its wonderful to read this today. I don't think we ever really know what we are doing (lol) so its good to be more light hearted about that, you know? Thanks for sharing :)

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yes exactly lol I have no idea what i'm doing or what i will do!

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Hi there!! I love that you're taking the time to figure out your writing style and schedule, it's so hard to do that but it sounds like you're pushing through it, which is awesome!! I also love that you're learning to slow down! That's honestly something I need to work on constantly too :)

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Thank you! I’m such an impatient person, so it’s not easy haha

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Hi I'm Adam, writing under A. Henry. I'm working on a few short stories about anxiety, how it fuels our actions each day, and how it changes us from our "norm." Think suspense, mixed with dread and longing (for acceptance, belonging, etc.). I'm also writing a lot of bios for the MFA programs I'm applying to for next fall.

I write short stories and essays on my personal Substack. It started as a personal challenge to post every month, and I just hit the one year mark. Haven't missed a single month (so that's a small win, too, right?). https://ahenry.substack.com/

Celebrating cranking out 1,100 words in one sitting for this current short story. Not sure where that burst of productivity came from, but sometimes you've gotta sit back and let the writing take you where it wants to go.

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"sometimes you've gotta sit back and let the writing take you where it wants to go." Yup :) Trust the process, right?

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Congrats on your anniversary! I’ve done like six weeks and it’s been a lot.

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Hopefully a lot in a good way! The climb is worth it.

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Hi all, I’m Anna and my novel is a brand new Romance set in 1800s London, first in a series called The Fanny Burney Society, about women with creative careers - unusual and frowned on at that time. I also have a memoir in final draft, first draft of a thriller and am working on a speculative dystopian novella about Earth’s second moon. My Substack is Starting From Scratch and here’s the link: https://open.substack.com/pub/annamahoney

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So many projects, Anna! That is amazing <3

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Too many! I have vowed to finish both the first books next year which may mean shelving the memoir because, family. The novella will be done by Christmas and this new one in first draft by early 25. Write or Die!

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Hi Mimo here and I write my fantasy novels/novellas as Noomue. Today as I edited my second novella I breached through a great battle scene and discovered a perfect place to put a flashback that would perfectly explain the relationship between two sisters. When I did the first revision I couldn’t find a place for it and decided to leave it out, but today as I typed I saw an opening and went for it.

I read your newsletter and have benefited from it and from your collab with chillsubs. Thank you for everything and have a wonderful weekend

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Finding a place for a flashback you love is the BEST! So happy this was rewarding for you :)

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I need these feel-good vibes this morning, thank you Kailey! 🤗🤗🤗

✍️ I'm Kolina Cicero and I am about to do a major overhaul on my second novel.

🦋 I write Words on Words, a newsletter all about books! https://kolinacicero.substack.com

💎 My writing win is kind of a winding path. My first novel is officially dead on submission (for now). I spoke with my agent, who just finished reading my second novel, and I got some very good -- if tough -- feedback. The win is that I have finally come up with a plan to move forward, and after taking ~3 months off from the novel, I've got plans for my revision.

Now I just need to begin. 🤣

Congratulations on all of your wins!

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Your perseverance is amazing, Kolina! Im so sorry to hear about your first novel but how amazing that you have a second one to work with and you will be writing again💕

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Thank you!! My first novel landed me my agent, so it’ll never fully die 🥹. Thanks for your encouragement!

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Starting is the hardest part!! Sending you good vibes 😇

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Thank you Amanda!! ✨🙏🏽

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Hi! I'm Marissa. I'm currently working on a major revision for my novel, but my win today is centered around turning in a draft of an interview for a major newsletter. On Substack, I write about my chaotic reading habits, artist interviews, and writing craft.


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Very exciting, Marissa!

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Highly recommend Marissa’s substack — one of my favorites!

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Thanks Amanda! 🥰

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Hi! I'm Annette :) I'm currently working on many things, but in particular I'm working on changing a TV pilot I wrote for a grad school class into a feature film instead! I'm really proud of myself for taking feedback and learning to shift through what is useful and what isn't. I also write a lot of analysis essays about film, TV, and theatre! My Substack features original fiction and some of my essays as well! My most recent essay can be found here!


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Yay Annette!! ✨👏🏼

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I'm Rhiannon. I am working on my first novel right now about a middle aged composition teacher who comes of age, again, along with everyone else around her.

I mostly write poems, so its really nice to have a community around novel writing here - I really prefer a shorter form and have a lot to learn about sustained creative writing! I have two published chapbooks and am in the finishing stages with my first full length poetry book. It's been in the works for years but was still easier to write than the novel. I am currently in final revisions and trying to get some of the individual poems published. I also got about 2/3 through a horror film script this year before I realized it should just be a book 😭

My Substack is a super short newsletter I started to keep me motivated to write. It is always 1,000 words or less and I share a poem I love, a micro essay and a few life updates about what I'm writing, watching, reading, listening to and eating.

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Thats a lot of work under your belt, Rhiannon. Truly amazing ✨👏🏼

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This sounds great -- I love novels that explore a second coming-of-age, or coming-of-age later in life. Good luck with your script!

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Hi, I am Kathy! I'm revising my memoir revolving around a major pharmaceutical scandal that killed my husband in 1997. He contracted HIV and hepatitis C from contaminated blood products that were sold for decades. The memoir is written as a love story with the themes of love, betrayal, and resilience. My small victory is that I just sent my fourth draft in for a developmental edit. Yes, this is a slow, lonely process! Thanks, Kailey, for this post. I loved reading the accomplishments of others! My Substack, On Writing and Thriving After 50 is https://kathysewardmackay.substack.com ... I may change the title so it is not so limiting!

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amazing, Kathy! You've been working so hard and diligently on your memoir. Very exciting you are on the fourth draft and are getting edits! Keep it up <3

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Hi, 👋 I’m Ebony and I publish under the alias E. M. Dorsey as an indie speculative fiction author.

I'm currently juggling my debut supernatural-political novel “The Doe Prince”, various fiction works on my blog, and an experimental multiverse storysite named “Ongoing Serial” (which you can find at www.ongoingserial.com).

You can find me on Substack at A Mailbox of Adulterated Chaos📬: https://amailboxofadulteratedchaos.substack.com/ or on my website www.emdorsey.com.

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hi! i write queer horroromance under the name Regan Gray. my small win is completing the second draft of my “gay cannibals” debut novel manuscript yesterday, and sharing it with my alpha readers for feedback! my next adventure will be applying for the Banff Arts Horror Residency this spring and querying (after a few more rounds of revision 😅)

i write about horror and my writing journey over on https://substack.com/@regangraywrites

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Yay for a second draft! 👏🏼👏🏼✨

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thank you!! there’s something daunting about knowing i’ve planned 5 more rounds of editing after this, but there’s positivity in knowing is carves less off and focuses more and more on the thing i’m ultimately sculpting

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A queer horror romance sounds amazing, oh my goodness. Congratulations on completing your second draft, that's a huge deal!!!

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cheers, and thank you!

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