Kailey! THANK YOU for this. I could talk for hours about it. I’ve had PMDD for many years and am finally coming to terms with my luteal phase. I have 3-6 days per month where I can’t really work (and that is with meds and lots of talk therapy). Instead I try to reduce all the demands I put on myself and mostly sit around reading / listening to audio books / sometimes crying. 🙈🤣 It takes so much patience to roll with your body’s rhythms for work and productivity instead of fighting them. 🩷 Have fun with your revision!

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We are in it together, Morgan! haha I love that you reduce your demands. I'm with you— gotta roll with it!

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This is so great and validating. I'm admittedly not on top of my cycle in terms of which phase I'm in when, but this was the push I needed. Have fun with the revision!

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omg learning about this was honestly one the best things I ever did for myself. If you ever want resources/info about it, I'm ya girl!!

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Ok thank you so much!!! Also I’m revising right now so we’re in this together too :)

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Ahhh yes the luteal phase one of my favorite topics!!!! Sometimes I scare myself and I'm like, I think the real me is actually the luteal me and all the other mes are fake bitches.

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Lol! Oh God, I hope not. I want to be follicular me forever.

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Ovulation me has the most fun and is the nicest haha

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Ugh, yes, curiosity even in revision. 🙌🏻

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Had to revisit this post because I’m in that low point myself. Thanks for discussing this! I never had to pay attention to my cycle until shit went haywire and now going with the flow and noticing what the body needs(😛) is the only way to exist.

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Right?! It really is crazy once you become aware. I wish I had known sooner!

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Sign me up for creativity cycling plz! Good luck with the next revision—you’ve totally got this!!

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Wow, I loved this-- I've been paying attention to the way my body reacts to writing as well, especially since I'm writing a nonfiction project. I think the way we honor our bodies is ALSO a necessary part of the writing work. <3

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Please yes a course on creative cycling 🚴 🩸

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