Quite an informative summary of your agent/author revision process. You sounded, although at times frazzled, rather cool calm and collected at your agent’s suggestions. Likely most were without huge consequences to what you had already written. Was there ever a time you felt you had to fight for a part of the revision that you and your agent disagreed about. If so, how did it turn out.

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Great question, Karen! There was a flashback around chapter 3 that my agent kept telling me needed to be cut down (or deleted entirely) and I didn't want to. After another draft however, I realized that it was completely stalling the pace of the beginning (which you know is pivotal to keep the reader engaged) and I ended up cutting that flashback almost entirely! So, I was glad she gave me the space to play around with it, and in the end, we ended up on the same page.

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That really interesting…I guess in the course of writing if that was the only thing to let go of - it’s not to bad…my issue is when I write it’s like I’m living the lives of the characters in the novel and I feel nice it’s been written it’s there history that can’t be changed. I guess you could say you didn’t change their history just didn’t share it. Did you publish yet

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Oh, I have definitely written a LOT of history over the years of drafting. I think it is important for you as the writer to fully understand the character, and sometimes that means writing pages and pages of things that won't actually end up in the final cut of the story. I haven't published yet! Working on another revision now and hopefully going out on submission after so fingers crossed!

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It’s been too long, since I’ve had my feet In the Weeds. I haven’t spent much time on Substack these last few months, but today, I am back and excited to catch up on your latest posts. Sending love and luck from Utah! 🍀 Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year, Ally! 💕✨

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I LOVE the new logo!!!!

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Thank you, love!

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Very insightful, Kailey! Good luck!

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Love this post. I’m almost done with the first draft of my novel, and reading this is like (hopefully) looking into my future. Just 8 rounds of revision and an entire query process to go…

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I hope to God it takes you less than 8 rounds 😂 congrats on the first draft! Seriously no small thing!! ❤️

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Really fun to hear about this process. Sounds like you’ve got a handle on it. Congrats on getting so much done!

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Thank you! <3

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You’re killing it!!

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ahhh thanks, girl! <3

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I love hearing about your process. Rooting for you!!

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Thank you, Zoe! 💕✨

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I really enjoyed reading this! Thank you for the transparency around your process, Kailey — and congratulations on this latest round of revisions!

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