
Country Club Drama

A video chat about my last year in the service industry and making money online

This week, for paid subscribers, I recorded a little chat about grappling with what happened at the county club I work at this year (are we still saying “spilling the tea?”) and why I’m claiming 2024 to be my last year in the service industry. (!!)

Sometimes, an idea comes that doesn’t quite translate to a Substack post. I thought it would be fun to talk it out with you instead. This is a candid, unscripted video in which I describe some strange things that happened at the club, how the club has been a lifeline for me, supporting my ability to make art and start a business online, and why I think it's high time I moved on.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this space, here on In the Weeds, and what else I have to offer. I love this community so much, and I want to be able to share more with you, more essays, more insights, and some fun, too. Please consider becoming a paid supporter of my work, and there will be more videos like this, extra essays, and more writing resources coming your way. Thank you for your support thus far! <3

Okay, on to some talk about making money online, a country club member mutiny, Tom (yes, Tom is back!), inappropriate comments, trusting my instincts and betting on myself, and where I should go from here.

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